Assignment 代写 - EUS102: Environment & Sustainability (Fall 2020)



Dr. Michal Bardecki
416-979-5000 ext. 6175 (not monitored) Scheduled online (by Zoom) by appointment

Department of Geography and Environmental Studies EUS102: Environment & Sustainability (Fall 2020)


EUS102 is an “Table 1” Social Science course in the Faculty of Arts. Prerequisites: none.

Students are required to use their Ryerson e-mail address. This address will be the only one used to communicate with you. It is your responsibility to check your Ryerson e-mail regularly. (Given the volume of emails, I cannot guarantee a timely response to any email which fails to include “EUS102” in the subject line).

Course Description:

This course provides an introduction to the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability in cities, particularly establishing the theoretical bases and understanding of the broad range of environmental problems that result when consumptive economies exploit their physical resources.

Teaching Method:

The structure of the course reflects a concern for the varieties of circumstances facing students in this era of COVID and the need to provide an equitable learning environment. The course will be offered through a blended format, i.e. non-synchronous lectures available through D2L, supplemented by a weekly synchronous one-hour “anchor” discussion. Engaged and reflective self- directed learning will be promoted through a variety of materials and evaluations. The Announcement board in D2L will be used to communicate with you; this will allow you to refer back to any Announcement throughout the term.

Most of the course will be taught asynchronously, i.e., you will be able to work at your own schedule. However, there is a one-hour weekly synchronous “anchor” discussion which will be scheduled on Thursdays at 1:00 pm. These times will be used initially to discuss the course materials and answer questions; later, guest speakers will introduce a variety of ideas related to environment and urban sustainability. Participation is required for the first nine weeks—thereafter the time will be used for an option office hour / drop-in. There is no need to turn on your webcam for any of these sessions.

The lectures, the descriptions of the course modules and links to reading and other materials, assignments, and any other course content will be available in separate folders in the course shell in D2L Keeping in mind the deadlines for submissions, you can work at your own schedule.

The lecture for each module will consist of a PowerPoint presentation with the dialogue accompanying each slide. This format does allow you to proceed at your own pace if you want to


stop at any point and review the material (or skip ahead). Some files may be quite large, so planning for downloading may be needed.

Even with course materials available online, notetaking is a crucial part of the university experience. It helps you retain what you read, see and hear; it allows you to have a source for reflection, and permits you to organize your thoughts.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course every student should have developed:

  1. An appreciation for the foundational concepts and practices in environment and

    sustainability and their historical development;

  2. An understanding of challenges and opportunities associated with a range of significant

    environmental issues (with particular relevance to urban areas);

  3. Awareness of the importance of applying systematic thinking to develop a critical and

    theoretical understanding the study of sustainable development;

  4. The ability to critique, in an informed and balanced way, conclusions, opinions and attitudes

    associated with human impacts on the global environment;

  5. A sense of the personal relevance of an understanding of environmental issues and


  6. Increased skills in research and careful and thoughtful writing and editing at a university


Course Materials:

  1. Chan, N.W., H. Imura, A. Nakamura and M. Ao 2016 Sustainable Urban Development Textbook (Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia) Free download: xtbook

  2. Additional materials will be provided through links in the course modules in D2L.

Plagiarism Detection: is a plagiarism prevention and detection service to which Ryerson subscribes. It is a tool to assist instructors in determining the similarity between students’ work and the work of other students who have submitted papers to the site (at any university), internet sources, and a wide range of books, journals and other publications. While it does not contain all possible sources, it gives instructors some assurance that students’ work is their own. No decisions are made by the service; it generates an “originality report,” which instructors must evaluate to judge if something is plagiarized.

Students agree by taking this course that their written work will be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Instructors can opt to have student’s papers included in the database or not. Use of the service is subject to the terms-of-use agreement posted on the website. Students who do not want their work submitted to this plagiarism detection service must, by the end of the second week of class, consult with their instructor to make alternate arrangements.

Even when an instructor has not indicated that a plagiarism detection service will be used, or when a student has opted out of the plagiarism detection service, if the instructor has reason to suspect that an individual piece of work has been plagiarized, the instructor is permitted to submit that work in a non-identifying way to any plagiarism detection service.

Course Evaluation:

Learning outcomes will be assessed using the following.

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Course Component


Due Dates

Scholarly Sources (assignment) Reading/Viewing Log I Reading/Viewing Log II
Briefing Note (assignment) Reading/Viewing Log III


10 percent 20 percent 20 percent 30 percent 20 percent

Sept. 30 Oct. 7 Nov. 11 Nov. 22 Dec. 6

Total page3image44225024 page3image44231744100 percent

Grades for all assignments will be provided in D2L, typically within two weeks of submission. The first graded assignments will be available by Oct. 17.

Department Late Policy

The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies has a late assignment policy which specifies a minimum penalty of 20 percent per calendar day, as outlined in the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies Student Handbook.

Given the exigencies associated with COVID and online courses, in EUS102, if you find that you need a bit more time to complete an assignment, then you may get an extension of up to three days without penalty–but you must ask, by email, prior to the assignment’s deadline and receive a return email of confirmation. Without an on-time request, or should that second deadline be missed, the penalty will be applied. Should the issue be one which extends more than three days, then an application for Academic Consideration will need to be filed with your Program Department—documentation will be required (for more information see Senate Policy 167: Academic Consideration, and the sections “Missed Classes and/or Evaluations” and “Student Responsibilities re Course Evaluation and Academic Appeals” below.

Course Outline:

The structure and content of the course modules are listed below. Details for each module may be found in the course shell in D2L.

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0: Sept. 7

1: Sept. 7

2: Sept. 13

3: Sept. 20

4: Sept. 27

5: Oct. 4

Oct. 11

6: Oct. 18

7: Oct. 25

8: Nov. 1

9: Nov. 8

10: Nov. 15

11: Nov. 22

Overview of the Course

Cities and Urbanization

Ecological Footprint


Business and Sustainability


Sustainability/Sustainable Development

Why do issues related to the environment and sustainability become problems, and why are the difficult to address?

Ethics and Environmental Justice

Personal Sustainability: Sustainable Fashion

Water Management: Supply/Treatment

Air Quality


Urban Ecology: Cities as Ecosystems

Anchor Discussion


12: Nov. 29

Risk and Vulnerability

Course introduction (required)

Reading/viewing logs (required) Scholarly sources assignment (required)

Briefing notes (required) Guest speaker (required)

Guest speaker (required)

Guest speaker (required) Guest speaker (required) Guest speaker (required) Optional office hour / Q&A Optional office hour / Q&A Optional office hour / Q&A

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University Policies

Familiarize yourself with the Ryerson Senate’s Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities:

Missed Classes and/or Evaluations
Academic consideration is possible if extenuating circumstances arise that are:

(a) are outside your immediate control;
(b) could not have been reasonably foreseen or avoided; and
(c) significantly impact a student’s ability to fulfill their academic requirements.

Such circumstances are governed by Senate Policy 167:

When possible, you are required to inform your professors of any situation which arises during the semester which may have an adverse effect upon your academic performance, and must request any consideration and accommodation according to the relevant policies in advance if possible.

Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance
If you need accommodation because of religious, Aboriginal or spiritual observance, you must submit a Request for Accommodation of Student Religious, Aboriginal and Spiritual Observance AND an Academic Consideration Request form within the first 2 weeks of the class or, for a final examination, within 2 weeks of the posting of the examination schedule. If the requested absence occurs within the first 2 weeks of classes, or the dates are not known well in advance as they are linked to other conditions, these forms should be submitted with as much lead time as possible in advance of the absence. Both documents are available at If you are a full-time or part-time degree student, then you submit the forms to your own program department or school. If you are a certificate or non-certificate student, then you submit the forms to the Chang School of Continuing Education.

Academic Accommodation Support
For students who require academic accommodation should consult with Academic Accommodation Support ( support/index.html). For more information, see Policy 159: (

If academic accommodations for tests and exams are required with Academic Accommodation Support, it is your responsibility to book ahead of the date of writing any test or exam, following the Centre’s policies and procedures.

Classroom and Online Behaviour
Senate Policy 61 (, the Student Code of Non- Academic Conduct, stipulates that students shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with generally accepted standards of behaviour, and University regulations and policies, and shall not behave in disruptive ways that obstruct the learning and teaching environment. It is your responsibility to be familiar with the Code.

Academic Integrity
Ryerson’s Policy 60 (the Academic Integrity policy) applies to all students at the University. Forms of academic misconduct include plagiarism, cheating, supplying false information to the University, and other acts. The most common form of academic misconduct is plagiarism – a serious academic offence with potentially severe penalties and other consequences. It is expected,

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therefore, that all examinations and work submitted for evaluation and course credit will be the product of each student’s individual effort (or an authorized group of students). Submitting the same work for credit to more than one course, without professor approval, is considered a form of plagiarism.

Suspicions of academic misconduct may be referred to the Academic Integrity Office (AIO). Students who are found to have committed academic misconduct will have a Disciplinary Notation (DN) placed on their academic record (not on their transcript) and will normally be assigned one or more of the following penalties:

  • A grade reduction for the work, ranging up to an including a zero on the work (minimum penalty for graduate work is a zero on the work)

  • A grade reduction in the course greater than a zero on the work. (Note that this penalty can only be applied to course components worth 10% or less, and any additional penalty cannot exceed 10% of the final course grade. Students must be given prior notice that such a penalty will be assigned (e.g. in the course outline or on the assignment handout)

  • An F in the course

  • More serious penalties up to and including expulsion from the University

    The unauthorized use of intellectual property of others, including your professor, for distribution, sale, or profit is expressly prohibited, in accordance with Policy 60 (Sections 2.8 and 2.10). Intellectual property includes, but is not limited to:

    • Slides

    • Lecture notes

    • Presentation materials used in and outside of class

    • Lab manuals

    • Course packs

    • Exams

      For more information, see 2/students-course-sharing-websites-and-file-sharing/

      For more detailed information on these issues, refer to the Academic Integrity policy and to the Academic Integrity Office website.

      Course Policies

      Every effort will be made to manage the course as stated. However, adjustments may be necessary during the term at the discretion of the professor. If so, alterations will be made prior to implementation and students will be informed.

      Student Responsibilities re Course Evaluation and Academic Appeals
      Students are required to inform their professors of any situation which arises during the semester which may have an adverse effect upon their academic performance, and must request any considerations and accommodations according to the relevant policies and well in advance. Failure to do so will jeopardize any academic appeals.

      Ryerson University Course Management Policy (Senate Policy 145) establishes the policies for make-up assignments, tests and/or examinations should you miss a deadline or a test or examination Do note that final examinations may be scheduled for any time during the examination period and that having made alternate plans is not a valid reason for missing an examination.

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Students may be unable to complete assignments due to personal difficulties that are interfering with their studies. Students seeking compassionate consideration should consult with and seek advice from their program department. In general, circumstances interfering with a student’s ability to perform required course work must be brought to their program department’s attention as they arise.

It is also your responsibility to attempt to resolve course-related differences with the professor and then, if necessary, with the Chair of the teaching department as soon as they arise. An appeal may be filed only if the issue cannot be resolved appropriately. Failure to deal with a situation as soon as it arises may jeopardize any appeal. Students with a concern about a grade assigned to their work must arrange for a re-grading within ten working days of delivery to the class of the grades for the assignment. It is your right to do so; however, requests for re-grading made more than ten days after work has been returned, will not be considered. You are expected to have carefully reviewed the assignment and the marker’s comments and should specify the specific concerns regarding the original grading. A note detailing these concerns must accompany the request for re-grading.


According to the policy on the Establishment and Use of Ryerson Student E-Mail Accounts for Official University Communication you are required to use your Ryerson email address for communication with the professor. It is your responsibility to check your Ryerson email and the course shell in D2L regularly.

Include the course code in the subject line of all emails. Except in extraordinary circumstances, e- mails will be responded to within 24 hours, Monday to Friday; access to email is not assured on weekends. In most cases, the response will be much quicker; but one cannot assume that access to the professor as a resource is instantaneous. Due to issues related to the potential for viruses, under normal circumstances email attachments will not be opened. Grades will not be provided through e-mail.

Important Resources Available at Ryerson

  •   The Library provides research workshops and individual assistance. If the University is open, there is a Research Help desk on the second floor of the library, or go to Workshops.

  •   Student Learning Support offers group-based and individual help with writing, math, study skills, and transition support, as well as resources and checklists to support students as online learners.

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  •   You can submit an Academic Consideration Request when an extenuating circumstance has occurred that has significantly impacted your ability to fulfill an academic requirement. You may always visit the Senate website and select the blue radial button on the top right hand side entitled: Academic Consideration Request (ACR) to submit this request).

    Please note that the Interim Provost/ Vice President Academic and Dean's approved a COVID- 19 statement for Fall 2020/Winter 2021/Fall 2021 related to academic consideration.
    This statement has been built into the Online Academic Consideration System and is also on the
    Senate website (

  •   Policy 167: Academic Consideration for Fall 2020/Winter 2021/Fall 2021 due to COVID-19: Students who miss an assessment due to cold or flu-like symptoms, or due to self-isolation, are currently not required to provide a health certificate. Other absences must follow Senate Policy 167: Academic Consideration.

  •   Also NOTE: Outside of COVID-19 symptoms, the new Policy 167: Academic Consideration does allow for a once per term academic consideration request without supporting documentation if the absence is less than 3 days in duration and is not for a final exam/final

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assessment. In the absence is more than 3 days in duration and/or is for a final exam/final assessment, documentation is required. For more information please see Senate Policy 167: Academic Consideration.

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  •   Ryerson COVID-19 Information and Updates for Students summarizes the variety of resources available to students during the pandemic.

  •   Familiarize yourself with the tools you will need to use for remote learning. The Continuity of Learning Guide for students includes guides to completing quizzes or exams in D2L Brightspace, with or without Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor, using D2L Brightspace, joining online meetings or lectures, and collaborating with the Google Suite.

  •   Information on Copyright for Faculty and students.

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  •   At Ryerson, we recognize that things can come up throughout the term that may interfere with a student’s ability to succeed in their coursework. These circumstances are outside of one’s control and can have a serious impact on physical and mental well-being. Seeking help can be a challenge, especially in those times of crisis. Below are resources we encourage all Ryerson community members to access to ensure support is reachable.

  •   Ryerson Mental Health and Wellbeing
    If support is needed immediately, you can access these outside resources at anytime:

  •   Distress Line — 24/7 line for if you are in crisis, feeling suicidal or in need of emotional support (phone: 416–408–4357)

  •   Good2Talk- 24/7 hour line for postsecondary students (phone: 1-866-925-5454)
